How To Make Rose Petals Mix For Winter Season Health Benefits Of Eating Rose Flower

How To Make Rose Petals Mix For Winter Season Health Benefits Of Eating Rose Flower

How To Eat Rose Flower: Rose flowers are used to make many medicines. The leaves of this flower are sometimes used in the form of extracts and sometimes by drying in the shade to cure problems related to skin, digestion and brain. Rose water prepared from rose flower also helps in keeping the skin, hair, eyes and mouth test healthy. This is the reason why many types of powders, sweets and mouthwashes are prepared from roses here in the winter season.

Today we have come up with a special mix recipe for you, which is prepared by mixing other delicious things with rose. By regular consumption of this mixture in winter, you can protect yourself from many diseases. This is an Ayurvedic mixture and you should consume it without worrying. Come, let’s first know the method of making it…

Things needed to make rose mixture

  • 20 Desi Gulab
  • ½ cup fennel
  • 2 teaspoon liquorice powder
  • 5 betel leaves
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 20 green cardamom
  • 20 touches
  • ½ cup white or black sesame seeds
  • 3 tsp cumin powder
  • 3 tsp coriander powder
  • ½ cup flax seeds
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 2 tsp sugar candy
  • 5 tsp honey

What is the method to make rose mixture?

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  • Break the petals of desi rose and separate them.
  • finely chop the chives
  • Grind together green cardamom, sugar candy, fennel.
  • Now mix the rest of the ingredients well in it.
  • Keep in mind that betel leaves should be dried in the shade and crush them and mix them in the mix.

How to consume rose mixture?

  • You can eat this home-made rose mixture after meals to improve digestion.
  • Eating it after eating changes the taste of the mouth and also feels refreshing.
  • You can consume this mix in 2 to 3 spoons when you feel a little hungry.
  • Eat this mix to calm the craving of sweet food.

Benefits of eating mixture everyday?

  • By eating this mixture prepared from rose flowers, the problem of cold and cough does not dominate. That is, if you get cold again and again, then this mixture will be beneficial.
  • This mixture is very beneficial in strengthening immunity. All the ingredients used in its preparation are Ayurvedic herbs in themselves.
  • There is relief in the problem of sleeplessness.
  • The problem of acidity gets relief very quickly.
  • People who live in tension and who have focus related problems, they get special benefits from its use.
  • People suffering from high cholesterol, high blood pressure and hormonal problems will get relief soon if they consume it regularly.
  • If you are troubled by problems like gas in the stomach, flatulence, bad breath, then this rose mix will work as a mouth freshener and digestion booster for you.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: People who stay online for hours should eat fennel know what is the reason for this

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