This animal is more poisonous than King Cobra, can put you to death in a moment, there is no way to cut the poison

This animal is more poisonous than King Cobra, can put you to death in a moment, there is no way to cut the poison

If you are asked which is the most poisonous animal in the world, then perhaps you will take the name of snakes like King Cobra or Saw-scaled Viper, Inland Taipan. One drop of their poison is enough to kill 100 people. Some people may take the name of jellyfish. The platypus is the most venomous mammal, capable of injecting venom from the spurs in its legs that is lethal enough to kill a cat or dog, but not humans. But there is one animal which is more poisonous than all these.

If you are thinking that this is a snake then absolutely not. According to the report of How Stuff Works website, there are many criteria to assess whether an animal is dangerous or not. Either they are extremely poisonous, or they have the power to spread many diseases, like viruses. This is the reason why some people consider King Cobra poisonous and some consider scorpion poisonous. But according to this report, the most poisonous creature in the world is a snail. In the video you can see how he hunts.

There is no way to cut poison
Its name is Geography cone snail, which is also called Conus geographus. Its venom contains a unique mixture of more than 100 toxins, which makes it more powerful than the venom of the King Cobra. It is a marine creature, which lives in the reefs of the Indo-Pacific and hunts small fish. Till now at least 40 divers have died due to these snails. According to experts, if people are not taken to the hospital on time after being bitten by this snail, 65 percent of the people die. There is no medicine to immediately end or control the spread of its poison.

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