Widow Women Rights: Widow women also have many rights, know what the law says

Widow Women Rights: Widow women also have many rights, know what the law says

In the Constitution of India, every class and section of the society has been given protection, everyone has their own fundamental rights, which cannot be violated by anyone. Laws have been made for this. There are many laws for the safety and rights of women. Widow women also have similar legal rights. This includes property rights for such women, rights to live with dignity and many other things. If they are violated, a woman can go to court. 

Rights given under law
When a married woman’s husband dies, she is called a widow. After the death of the husband, the wife has to take care of all the responsibilities, sometimes it becomes very difficult. This is the reason why widows have been given many rights under Indian law. 

Right to Property
If any widow woman does not earn and is not able to survive from her husband’s property, then her father-in-law will have to take the responsibility of maintenance. She can claim for this. A widow woman has full rights over her husband’s property. After the death of the husband, the wife also has an equal share among the heirs. The High Court had said in a decision that even if a widow marries a second time, she will have the right on the property of her first husband. It is decided under the Hindu Succession Act. 

Right to write a will
If a widow dies without writing a will, then in this case her children are entitled to the property. A widow can also inherit property from her second husband; after her death, her children will be entitled to this property, even if they belong to the first husband. The widow can transfer her property to anyone, she has every right to do so.

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