Focus On These Things To Strength Your Friendship With Best Friend

Focus On These Things To Strength Your Friendship With Best Friend

Friendship Rules: Friendship is a relationship which is formed by mind and will. If we look at it, at every age, a friend is that person who understands your thoughts in good and bad times. Every person wants to have a best friend. But fights often happen in friendship and because of these, it does not take long for even the strongest friendships to break. Jealousy, jealousy, competition are such emotions which sometimes come in the way of friendship. In such a situation, no matter how close your friend is, a rift occurs in the friendship. If you also have a best friend, then you should do some work in advance to save your friendship.

Learn to accept the feeling of irritation

If there is friendship then sometimes there will be jealousy. It is okay if your friend talks to you, but if the same friend talks to someone else, you may feel jealous. But learn to accept it. Accept the fact that no matter who your friend talks to, you will always have a special place in his heart. If you understand this quickly then your friendship can last for a long time.

being judgmental is bad

Being judgmental in friendship is the worst. If your friend is talking to someone or doing something for someone, then do not be judgmental about it. This can make a difference in your friendship. Give time to your friend so that he can include others in his life. There is and will always be a place for you in his heart, but don’t judge your friendship by talking to someone else or giving time to someone else.

don’t stop talking

If you have any complaint against your friend or you feel bad about something about him, then talk to him. Communication gap kills friendship. If you feel that your friend is talking more than anyone else, then clear your misunderstandings by talking to him. But keep in mind that neither accuse him nor say bad things about him. Listen carefully to what he has to say and also put forward your point of view. Instead of dominating your friend, pay attention to his words, this will remove your misunderstandings and your friendship will remain intact.

identify your fear

Some people always remain fearful due to the grief of breaking a friendship. If you are afraid that you may lose your friend, then first know why you are thinking so. Could your friend be lost? Is your friend undervaluing you? Has your friend found someone else? Apart from these, there may be some things due to which you fear breaking the friendship. Identify these and then try to solve them with a calm mind. This can solve many of your problems.

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