If you eat this jam, you will forget the taste of Amla, Apple, bones will also become strong.

If you eat this jam, you will forget the taste of Amla, Apple, bones will also become strong.

Ashutosh Tiwari/Rewa: You might have eaten many murabbas like amla murabba, apple murabba, carrot murabba, ginger murabba, orange murabba, but have you ever tasted bamboo murabba? Apart from all this, bamboo murabba is not only tasty but also beneficial for health.

Generally, on hearing the name of bamboo, people only think that bamboo can be used in making furniture, construction work or decorating the house. But, today we will tell you about bamboo murabba, in which a treasure of nutrients is hidden.

Treasure trove of nutrients in bamboo
Bamboo also contains Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Thiamin, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese etc. in abundance. This is the reason why this murabba is not only unique in taste but is also beneficial for health. This special murabba is available in Kesarwani pickle and spice store of Rewa. Shop owner Deepali Gupta says that consuming this marmalade strengthens the bones because adequate amount of calcium is found in it. Besides, this murabba is also very beneficial for digestive problems.

Make marmalade at home with this method
Deepali tells that to make bamboo murabba, first the new bamboo shoots are cut and cleaned. After this, it is cooked by boiling it properly in hot water. Lastly it is dipped in hot syrup. It is soaked in syrup and kept in the sun for 15 days. Delicious bamboo jam is ready. This murabba is unique. Food lovers like this murabba more than amla, mango and apple murabba.

Tags: Bamboo Products, food 18, Local18, Rewa News

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