26 billion data records have been leaked online researchers referred this as Mother of All Breaches

26 billion data records have been leaked online researchers referred this as Mother of All Breaches

Mother of All Breaches: As much as the Internet is beneficial for us, it is also dangerous. In one click all our information can reach the wrong person. Cyber ​​criminals are busy chasing data day and night. Meanwhile, research has revealed a big data leak. Cyber ​​security researchers of CyberNews said that about 26 billion data records have been leaked online and criminals have hacked the data from popular social media apps.

Researchers have named this data leak as ‘Mother of all Breaches’ and said that this is the biggest data leak till date. According to the report, the size of the stolen data is 12 terabytes. Researchers said that most of the leaked data has been wrongly taken over by criminals without the user knowing and for this, different data breach methods have been adopted. It was also said in the report that there is some data in this leak which has not been published before and is very fresh. Researchers have called this worrying.

Apart from login details, a lot more has been leaked

Apart from login details, the leaked data also contains important data of people. Researchers said that there are 3800 folders in this data leak which contain 2,600 crore records and different information is captured in each folder. Researchers said that this dataset is extremely dangerous because the collected data can be used by criminals for identity theft, phishing, cyber attacks and unauthorized access to personal and sensitive accounts.

Data leak of these apps

This report also tells about those apps whose data has been leaked. In this-

Tencent QQ- 1.4 billion record
Weibo 504 million record
MySpace 360 ​​million record
Twitter 281 million records
Deezer 258 million records
Linkedin 251 million records
AdultFriendFinder 220 million records
Adobe 153 million records
Canva 143 million records
VK 101 million records
Daily Motion 86 million records
Dropbox 69 million records
Telegram 41 million million records, apart from these many other apps are also included in it.

How to check whether your data has been leaked or not

To check whether your details have been leaked or not, you can do personal data leak check and ‘Have I been pwned?’ Can use. As soon as you enter your details here, you will see all the information.

LinkedIn said this on data leak

On this data leak, LinkedIn said that the company is investigating the matter of this data breach in detail and at present nothing like this has come to light.

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