Is oxygen really decreasing on Earth? For how long will a human being survive, know this interesting fact

Is oxygen really decreasing on Earth?  For how long will a human being survive, know this interesting fact

It is being claimed on social media that the amount of oxygen on earth is decreasing rapidly. If we don’t take care soon, a day will come when there will be no oxygen left even for breathing. All living beings on earth will die due to suffocation. After all, how much truth is there in this claim? What amount of oxygen is necessary for humans to survive? Let us know what research says about this.

At present the amount of oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere is only 21 percent. All living beings depend on it. But you will be surprised to know that when the earth was formed, there was no oxygen at that time. Later, photosynthesis took place as a special physical process and the amount of oxygen on earth kept increasing. But once again the amount of oxygen on earth is decreasing. Research has even claimed that in the future the amount of oxygen will become so low that no living creature, let alone humans, will survive.

Oxygen will reduce significantly in the future
In the year 2021, a study was published in Nature magazine. In which it was said that oxygen will reduce significantly in the future. Almost a million times less than today. However, this is still billions of years away from happening. But then the condition of the Earth will be almost the same as it was about two and a half billion years ago. This research was done by Chris Reinhard of Georgia Institute of Technology and Professor Kazumi Ozaki of Toho University, Japan. Chris Reinhard said, Earth’s atmosphere will maintain high levels of oxygen for the next billion years. After this it will decline rapidly.

After all why would this happen?
After all why would this happen? Ozaki answered this. Said, during research we found that the Earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere is not a permanent feature. As our Sun ages, it will become hotter and release more energy. Due to this, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will decrease because CO2 absorbs heat and then breaks down. In such a situation, when there is no CO2, this process will also not be completed. Carbon dioxide levels will then become so low that photosynthesising organisms – including plants – will be unable to survive and produce oxygen. Then they will start coming to an end. There will come a time when it will become difficult for humans to live. Then the amount of oxygen will be less than 5 percent.

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