Tea Making Process Do you what is the correct way of making tea read here step by step process of preparing of tea

Tea Making Process Do you what is the correct way of making tea read here step by step process of preparing of tea

Discussion on tea is quite famous, but tea itself is a subject which is discussed a lot. Everyone’s way of making tea is different and everyone justifies that his/her way of making tea is the best. Many people say that tea should be boiled well in water first, while others say that ginger should be boiled after water. Apart from this, some people argue that tea and milk should be boiled separately. There are many other such methods, which are considered the correct way of making tea.

You too must have participated in this discussion many times. So today let us try to know what is the right way to make tea and what has been said so far in the research on the right way to make tea. Then you can guess what is the correct process of making tea…

You will be surprised to know that not only in India, but also in Britain, there is a long debate on this matter and there too, different arguments are given regarding the correct way of making tea. According to a report in The Guardian, Dr. Stapley of Loughborough University said after research that it is wrong to add milk after boiling water, because it heats the milk unevenly and due to this, the proteins present in it get denatured. What happens is that they lose their structure and turn into “flakes”, which changes the flavor and is a bad thing.

For this reason, there is a lot of difference between tea made with milk after the water is heated and tea made with milk first. But, from this research it can be said that milk should not be added after the water becomes very hot. Apart from this, many experts believe that heating milk and water separately can also be a right method. Due to this, only hot cooked milk is poured into the tea, due to which the temperature does not fluctuate and there is not much change in the tea. In such a situation, if you make tea, then keep in mind that do not add milk at the end and try to add hot milk. At the same time, some other research has revealed that tea should be boiled only for 2 to 5 minutes.

In such a situation, you can first boil the leaves in water for some time and add milk, but for that the milk should also be hot. Apart from this, you should boil milk first and then add water. However, Stapley had also said in his report that this is not something to be seen scientifically and it depends on taste. A person can drink whatever kind of tea he likes. There is no set formula behind this.

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