These crops are getting spoiled due to rain, the rate has become less than Rs 10 per kg

These crops are getting spoiled due to rain, the rate has become less than Rs 10 per kg

In the last several days, the weather in the country has shown its different moods. Many areas are facing the brunt of severe cold and in many areas crops are getting damaged due to rain. The weather was bad in Sundergarh, Odisha for many days. Due to which horticulture crops have suffered a lot. Due to which the problems of farmers have also increased a lot. Due to bad weather, many other crops including tomato, cabbage and cauliflower have also been affected. Due to which farmers are forced to harvest the crop before time. At the same time, farmers are also selling these crops at low prices.  

According to various media reports, crops have suffered a lot due to bad weather and heavy rains. Due to this, in many places even the crops standing ready to be harvested have been spoiled. According to media reports, the tomato crop has suffered the most damage. Tomatoes have started spoiling due to rain. Whereas the cabbage crop has also been damaged a lot.  

Premature harvesting

The remaining crops of farmers troubled by the weather are also being sold at very low prices. Farmers are also afraid that the remaining crop may also get spoiled. According to reports, farmers are forced to sell their tomato crop at the rate of Rs 10 per kg. At the same time, the price of cabbage has also come down to Rs 15 per kg. Many farmers are not able to sell their cabbage crop even at low prices. Apart from this, the effect of weather has also been seen in other crops including ladyfinger, bottle gourd, bitter gourd. Due to which farmers are harvesting crops before the scheduled time. If media reports are to be believed, crop prices have fallen significantly. Tomato prices range between Rs 10 to Rs 20. Whereas the prices of cauliflower have also fallen from around Rs 50 to between Rs 15 and Rs 20.  

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