Green vegetables can be grown in space but you cannot eat them, know the reason

Green vegetables can be grown in space but you cannot eat them, know the reason

The International Space Station keeps conducting many types of experiments. Here scientists keep doing many types of experiments. In one of those experiments, scientists have tried to grow vegetables in space. Actually, scientists grew useful vegetables for salad here. Which he also included in his diet, but now recently it has come to light how harmful these vegetables are for his health.

Why are vegetables grown in space not edible?
Actually, researchers at the University of Delaware have recently discovered that salads made from vegetables grown in space quickly get infected with bacteria. It happens. In the report published in Scientific Report, it has been said that green leafy salad can be risky in an environment of microgravity.

The lettuce being grown in space in the ISS for the last three years is being included in the food menu of the astronauts in the form of salad. It is grown in special types of chambers. Where there is a special kind of environment for growing plants. The study has revealed that there are disease-causing bacteria and fungi in the ISS. Due to which the health of the person eating them may be at risk.

Chance of getting infected is higher
In this study it has also been found that the chances of infection with Salmonella increases in plants growing in microgravity environment. Scientists have stated that the reason for this is that the breathing space of the leaves, which is called stomata, is always open in space. Through which infected germs can easily enter them. Whereas in plants growing on earth, these stomata close at night.                          

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