Snakes are most afraid of this thing! You will be surprised to know

Snakes are most afraid of this thing!  You will be surprised to know

Snake is considered one of the dangerous poisonous animals. After seeing a snake in or around the house, we keep distance from it, because the snake can turn and attack at any time. However, snakes are more afraid of humans than they are of humans. Today we will tell you what things snakes are most afraid of.

What is the snake most afraid of?

According to the information, snakes are most afraid of snakes. Especially one snake is afraid of other species of snakes. Actually, snake is a territorial animal, that is why there is often fighting between snakes over territory. However, some species of snakes like king cobra and other snakes including vipers are not afraid of other snakes. These species are usually more aggressive than others and attack other snakes as soon as they feel threatened.

Snakes are afraid of predatory animals

Snakes hunt animals smaller than themselves. But snakes are afraid of attacks by big predatory animals. To avoid this situation, snakes remain hidden in caves or holes during the day. Snakes often come out in search of food at night. Let us tell you that when a snake feels danger, it releases smelly fluid from its glands as a defense mechanism. Apart from this, the snake also tries to scare the attacking animals by coiling and hissing. Some animals and birds hunt snakes fiercely. These include hawk, eagle, fox, mongoose and raccoon.

bright light

Snakes are very sensitive to light. This is the reason why snakes mostly stay away from lighted places. Actually their eyes are made for seeing at night. Therefore daylight is painful for their eyes. Let us tell you that sometimes snakes become blind in too bright light, hence snakes are afraid of light.

loud sound

Snakes are also very afraid of loud noises. According to research, snakes use their hearing ability to search for food and keep distance from predators. In such a situation, if suddenly there is a loud noise around them, then they start running in search of a safe place. Not only this, loud noise also damages their ears.

strong smell

Snakes are very afraid of strong smells. In fact, too strong a smell affects their ability to determine direction. Not only this, if there is a strong smell at some place, then they also face difficulty in finding food. Therefore, snakes do not live in such places where there is any kind of strong smell. Snakes are especially afraid of the scent of garlic, lemon, cinnamon and mint. Apart from this, snakes are also very afraid of change in temperature.

afraid of animals too

Snakes are afraid of certain animals. Which includes dog, cat, lizard, hawk, eagle, fox, mongoose and raccoon. All these animals are considered natural predators of snakes. Cats are also considered experts in hunting snakes.

afraid of fire

Snakes are very afraid of fire. Because snake’s skin is very delicate. Fire and rising temperatures can cause serious damage to their skin. He may even die. Therefore snakes stay away from fire and high temperatures.

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