Does washing hair at night really cause harm? Know what experts say

Does washing hair at night really cause harm?  Know what experts say

People often have misconceptions and doubts about the habit of washing hair at night. Some people believe that washing their hair at night can be harmful for them, while others believe that it does not matter.  If you also have a habit of washing hair at night, then according to experts, it harms our hair and gives rise to many diseases. Let us know how washing hair at night can be harmful.

Wet hair and pillow
When we wash our hair, it becomes wet. Wet hair is very heavy. If we sleep with such wet hair resting on a pillow or bed, then there is a lot of pressure on them. This pressure weakens the roots of the hair. Due to weak roots, hair can become loose and may even break. Therefore, if we wash hair at night, then we should sleep only after drying it thoroughly. Wet hair should not be kept on the pillow. It can damage hair. 

Fungal Infections in Hair: Damp and wet hair are more likely to get fungal infections, especially when they remain moist for a long time. When we wash hair at night, they become wet. Are. If these wet hairs do not dry for a long time and remain moist, then germs and fungus can easily grow on them. These germs and fungus can make our hair a victim of infection. This can weaken the hair roots, lead to hair fall and itching in the head.

Skin problems: Being in contact with wet hair overnight can cause acne and other skin problems. Therefore, washing hair at night should be avoided. If you wash, it is very important to dry the hair thoroughly first. 

Effect on hair texture: Sleeping with wet hair can affect the natural texture and shine of the hair. When we sleep with wet hair, the hair remains moist for several hours. By doing this repeatedly, hair starts getting damaged. 

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