70 year old beggar donate 10 lakhs rupees in vajaywada sai temple – News18 Hindi

70 year old beggar donate 10 lakhs rupees in vajaywada sai temple – News18 Hindi

Report-Rishabh Chaurasia

Lucknow. Beggar means destitute. A ragged, dirty man with outstretched hands. But change your perception. It is not necessary that every beggar is like this. There may be someone who extends his hand but not to take or ask but to give. We are telling you about a millionaire beggar, after hearing about whom you will also say, Oh God!

A beggar from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh changed this image in an instant. He is not a beggar but a millionaire. People know him by his surname i.e. Reddy. Reddy used to earn his living by driving rickshaw. But as he grew older, he left the rickshaw and started begging. He made Sai Baba temple of Vijwada his base. Only Sai Baba became kind to them.

10 lakh donations so far
The sadhu who was begging in front of the temple has donated Rs 10 lakh to the same temple. The biggest thing is that he wakes up every morning and takes bath in the Krishna river and goes to the temple and bows his head. After that he feeds food to his beggar friends. From time to time, he donates whatever money he gets from alms to the head of the temple. This beggar has so far donated Rs 9.54 lakh to the temple. Reddy, who lives in Vijayawada, is on a tour of Lucknow and Ayodhya these days.

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service is the aim
When Local 18 team talked to him, this beggar told that he is a devotee of Sai Baba. If he does not donate, then what is the use of this money? I try to help if there is any construction work going on in the temple.

Tags: Amazing news, Local18, Lucknow city

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