Corona Cases Spreading Rapidly From China To Brazil And Japan Lockdown In Many Cities

Corona Cases Spreading Rapidly From China To Brazil And Japan Lockdown In Many Cities

Coronavirus In China: Once again the corona virus has started showing its wrath. In many countries of the world, the situation seems to be getting out of control. If we talk about China, then the situation there seems to be going out of control. China is once again becoming the hotspot of Corona. In many cities of China, the situation has become like a lockdown. If we look at the figures, on November 26, 39,791 Corona positive cases were registered in the country. Their number was 35,183 on Saturday. Along with this, a corona patient has also died.

Corona cases are continuously increasing in China and this is the reason that the situation in many provinces of China has now become like a lockdown. China has recently implemented local lockdowns, mass testing, travel restrictions and many other restrictions. The lockdown and several restrictions have left the population in desperation.

According to the Chinese government, the zero-covid policy is proving very successful in saving lives. The Chinese government acknowledges that the virus will put many vulnerable people, such as the elderly, at great risk if the outbreak remains uncontrolled for a long time. Interestingly, only 66% of people aged 80 and above have been vaccinated and only 40% of them have received a booster dose.

Kovid cases are increasing continuously in Brazil as well

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Along with China, Corona in Brazil is also spreading rapidly. According to The Brazilian Report, serious cases of Kovid are increasing rapidly in 15 of Brazil’s 27 states. Federal health regulator Anvisa on Tuesday made masks mandatory in airports and planes. With this, people have been appealed to take the vaccine as soon as possible.

According to InfoGripe data, in the last six weeks, Covid cases have increased rapidly in Alagoas, Bahia, Sierra, Federal District, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Pará, Paraíba, Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Rio de Janeiro and Roraima. have increased.

More than 1.25 lakh cases registered in Japan on Saturday

Outbreak of Corona (Japan Coronavirus Cases) is also being seen in Japan. According to the report of Japan Today, 1,25,327 new corona cases were reported in Japan on Saturday. At the same time, the capital Tokyo registered 13,569 new cases. The number of infected people hospitalized with severe symptoms in Tokyo has decreased by two to 18 since Friday. The number of coronavirus related deaths reported across the country stood at 164. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said a week ago that “we are closely monitoring the situation and doing everything to protect people’s lives and health.”

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