100 year old unique telephone – News18 Hindi

100 year old unique telephone – News18 Hindi

Ankit Rajput/Jaipur:- The older the item becomes, the more its price increases. People keep such valuable items safely. One such unique artist of Jaipur is Vinay Sharma, who has spent 40 years of his life and has created a unique museum at his home. Vinay Kumar Sharma, living in Jagatpura, Jaipur, has opened a mini studio Atit Raag in his house. In which there are many things like old telephones, cameras, binoculars, type writers, television, radio, gramophone and most of these antique items are more than 100 years old. It has a radio communication telephone, which Vinay Sharma had brought to Jaipur from Germany.

World War era telephone exists
A unique telephone from the World War era has been stored in Vinay Sharma’s studio. The most special among them is a telephone, which was used by Hitler’s army as a means of mutual communication during the World War. This unique telephone is made in a very unique way inside a box, which weighs about 5 to 6 kg. Everything is made inside it only. Vinay Sharma has preserved this precious telephone for years. But now this phone is not in working condition, because it used to work according to the technology of old times and now technically phones and telephones have all become Endwas technology.

Mini museum prepared for the next generation
Regarding Atit Raag Studio, Vinay Sharma says that since he was a student of 11th class, he was attracted towards these things and since then he started collecting these antique things. Gradually he prepared a mini museum. Vinay Sharma tells that all these antique items were related to the people of the society at that time and are completely different from today’s technological things. Atit Raag contains 100 year old valuables which were used by our ancestors at that time.

Vinay Sharma has built this studio at his home. He told that old radios are present here, which used to keep many people engaged in earlier times. Besides, there are many interesting things which today’s youth might not have even seen. All these items kept in Atit Raag Studios have been displayed in many different states of India till now. Also, people come here from far and wide to see these antique things. There is a collection of so many antique things here, many research students have also done PHD on these items.

Tags: jaipur news, Local18, Rajasthan news

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