Why do security guards hide metal detectors after seeing these women abroad?

Why do security guards hide metal detectors after seeing these women abroad?

While checking in foreign countries, guards often hide metal detectors after seeing some women. Generally, metal detectors are used everywhere during checking, but it is quite surprising that metal detectors are hidden after seeing some women. Actually these women are pregnant but why metal detectors are not used in front of them. Let us know.

What are metal detectors?
First of all, let us know what metal detectors are. So let us tell you that they are used for complete checking of a person. Which detects whether a person has any metal or not. They also have the ability to check sensors. Also, if a person has hidden something inside his clothes, then it can also be detected through a metal detector. 

Why are metal detectors hidden after seeing pregnant women?
Actually, pregnant women are advised to stay away from metal detectors. Due to which their child does not suffer any kind of harm. This is the reason why whenever guards in foreign countries see a pregnant woman, they hide their metal detectors to keep her away. In this way, their sensitivity towards the pregnant woman is also visible.


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— Enez Özen | Enezator (@Enezator) February 11, 2024

What harm can happen to the child? 
Metal detector can cause any kind of harm to the child in the womb. As a precaution, pregnant women are asked to keep any such thing away. Guards in foreign countries are also aware of this, due to which they are often seen keeping it away from pregnant women.                         

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