Excavation of the tomb was going on, shiny things started appearing, as soon as people came near, my heart trembled…

Excavation of the tomb was going on, shiny things started appearing, as soon as people came near, my heart trembled…

You must have heard many such stories in which someone gets hold of a treasure. There are some places where when digging, something really valuable is found. During the excavation of a tomb, archaeologists have found such an object buried inside, on seeing which first their eyes lit up and then their hearts trembled with fear.

Such excavations keep happening at different places in the world and from here many times something is found which is historical. Similarly, a 1200-year-old tomb was being excavated at a site 110 miles away from Panama City. Meanwhile, he started getting some shiny things. However, when seen closer, there was something here that made people’s souls tremble.

Gold started coming out in the tomb.
According to the report of Metro UK, this amazing discovery has been made in the Cano Archaeological Park, hundreds of miles away from Panama City. During the excavation of the tomb present here, gold shawls, belts, jewelery and precious earrings decorated with whale fish teeth were found. According to Linette Montenegro of Panama’s Ministry of Culture, the value of this treasure is very high. Excavation work is going on at this site named El Cano since 2008 and valuable things are being found continuously.

The souls of those who came near and saw it trembled!
Although this is a precious treasure, but along with it the authorities have also found dead bodies of 32 people who were sacrificed. According to the information, these are things buried with a high-ranking person of Kokal culture. To give him peace after death, 32 people were also sacrificed. This number could be higher. It is believed that the tomb was built in 750 AD and a man’s body was buried over a woman’s body.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral video news, Weird news

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