How did the tail of human ancestors disappear, the mystery solved… big revelation in research

How did the tail of human ancestors disappear, the mystery solved… big revelation in research

Were humans’ ancestors monkeys? Did human ancestors have long tails? After all, what happened that the tail of human ancestors suddenly disappeared? We keep hearing many such questions in school and college since childhood. Due to which it has settled somewhere in our mind. Now recently a research has come out in which it has been revealed that the baby has a tail in the mother’s womb, but what happens after 8 weeks of pregnancy is that it disappears completely. It has also been revealed in this research that 250 crore years ago, our ancestors had made a mistake due to which the human tail disappeared forever. 

Some such changes took place in the ancestors

Tail is considered an important part of the animal. Through this he maintains his balance. This tail helps them a lot in jumping from one place to another. The animal’s tail also signals them about impending danger. There are some species in which it works to balance the temperature. On the other hand, humans, monkeys or apes are mammals. Whose tail ended many years ago. Scientists believe that this was a huge change. Our ancestors stopped walking on all four legs and started walking on two legs. This was the time when our ancestors left the forests and started living on land and a landscape. 

This was the real reason for the tail disappearing

Research revealed that there were drastic changes in a particular gene named T BXT due to which the tail disappeared. This change came about due to the entry of a small part of DNA, ALUY element, into this gene. All this happened millions and billions of years ago. Due to this DNA, there were no changes in the gene code but it definitely changed the way genes work. To understand its full effect, researchers made some changes in the TBXT gene in rats and the result was shocking. Some rats’ tails became shorter and some were born without tails. 

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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