Can Dehydration Cause Heart Palpitations read full article in hindi

Can Dehydration Cause Heart Palpitations read full article in hindi

Dehydration causes heart palpitations: Lack of water affects our blood circulation a lot. Due to this the heartbeat may increase or decrease. The risk of heart related diseases increases due to poor eating habits and lifestyle. Slow or fast heartbeat is a sign of danger. Heart beat also increases or decreases when BP increases or decreases. When the heartbeat increases, the risk of heart attack or stroke increases. Heart beat should be 60 to 100 in one minute. It is often said that lack of water in the body also affects the heartbeat to a great extent. Let’s find out how?

Heart beat increases due to dehydration

Increase or decrease in heartbeat can happen due to many reasons. Excessive anger, stress, fast walking and running increase heart beat. According to the news published in ‘Only My Health’, heartbeat also starts increasing due to lack of water in the body. Due to lack of water, blood flow is greatly affected. Due to which heartbeat may increase.

There can be lack of water in the body due to many reasons.

A person sweats a lot, if a person stays in the sun for a long time, then there may be a lack of water in the body of such people. People who drink too much alcohol may also suffer from dehydration. When there is lack of water in the body, it also has a dangerous effect on blood circulation. Blood flow reduces. A lot of hard work has to be done to improve blood flow. Due to which the heartbeat feels increased. In such a situation, it is important to first compensate for the lack of water in the body.

What to do in case of water shortage?

People often become victims of dehydration in summer. In such a situation, people must drink electrolyte water. This liquid diet is very beneficial for health. If you drink 3-4 liters of water daily then there will be no risk of dehydration in the body.
Drinking water mixed with lemon juice, sugar and salt provides great benefits to the body.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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