How does a cheetah run so fast, why can’t any other animal compete with it, new study reveals the secret

How does a cheetah run so fast, why can’t any other animal compete with it, new study reveals the secret

Whenever the name of a fast running animal is taken in the world, the name of cheetah is definitely taken. But what is there in this animal with attractive spots that can make it run so fast that no other agile animal can compete with it? The answer to this question and many similar cases has been found in this new study.

A study published in Nature Communications Journal has revealed that animals which are of medium size can run at a faster speed. Dr. David Labonte of the Bioengineering Department of Imperial College London says that the fastest running animals are neither giant elephants nor small ants.

Labonte says that the reason for the cheetah’s fast running speed is its medium size. To know about this in more detail, the researchers created a model and demonstrated how the muscles of animals move when they walk and how and to what extent is this related to their fast running.

The muscles of the cheetah’s body are very precise according to its size, due to which it is able to run very fast. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

According to the study, an animal’s ability to run fast is limited by how much its muscles can contract. Apart from this, their maximum speed is determined by their size. The first limit can be called the limit of kinetic energy capacity, which shows how the muscles of small animals become limited by rapid contraction.

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The second limit is the work capacity limit, which explains how the muscles of large animals can become limited by shrinking. Researchers say that the size of a cheetah of about 50 kg is such that both these limits meet, due to which it can run at a speed faster than 100 km per hour. This study also explains how some animals are able to run faster than others. How are giant reptiles like crocodiles slower than large mammals? Answers to many such questions have also been found in this study, which were not known till now.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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