Police could not find wife’s attackers, husband covered the entire city with posters, wrote…

Police could not find wife’s attackers, husband covered the entire city with posters, wrote…

A woman was speared by some people in London. When there was an uproar, the police started investigation. When the attackers were not found despite searching for several days, the husband did something which is being discussed all over the world. The husband covered the entire city with posters to find the attackers. Such things were written on it due to which the police have come into the dock.

According to the Metro report, on March 4, someone hit a spear in the head of this woman named Nazreen Kaizali at the intersection of Shoreditch. He was taken to the hospital. But even after so many days, that spear is still stuck in his skull. It is believed that the attackers had made this woman the first victim. Ten days later, another incident occurred at a distance of 200 meters from the same place.

No result even after so many days
The police started investigation, but even after so many days there was no result. The police did not reach the attackers. After this, Nazreen’s husband Clifton started a unique campaign. He prepared many hand-written posters and posted them in the entire area. It was written in it, On Monday, March 4, at 7.30 pm, my wife was attacked by some people while she was going home from work. I don’t know who the people who attacked are. But this attack was done thoughtfully.

luckily my wife survived
Clifton wrote, fortunately my wife survived but it could have been you or your children too. Please help us reach these attackers. Help us get justice. Clifton claimed that instead of helping us, the police asked us to remove all the posters put up in the city. Local people said that it was quite horrifying to see. I have never seen anything like this before. We are really scared for our children. At the same time, Superintendent of Police James Conway said, we are trying to find out whoever carried out these attacks. The investigation is being led by my detective in CID. Checking CCTV. Forensic investigation is underway. Soon we will reach the murderers.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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