Doomsday came 74 thousand years ago, humans were about to be destroyed, but what happened next…, research revealed secrets

Doomsday came 74 thousand years ago, humans were about to be destroyed, but what happened next…, research revealed secrets

There have been many occasions in the history of man when his existence was under threat. But 74 thousand years ago, an incident happened which threatened the complete extinction of humans, but humans were successful in avoiding it. A massive volcano on Mount Toba in Sumatra was the most powerful eruption in Earth’s history. Scientists claim that due to this volcano it was almost wiped out from the earth, but in a new study, scientists have found out how humans could survive this devastating event.

In this study, some surprising information has been obtained from the archaeological excavations conducted in northwest Ethiopia. In the study published in Nature Journal, it has been told that that place is called Shifna-Metema 1. Researchers studied volcanic glass, animal remains, and man-made tools under microscopes.

John Cappleman, lead author of the study, told CNN that these pieces were finer than a human hair, yet they could be chemically analyzed. Researchers found that at that time humans showed amazing flexibility and amazing vitality in adverse circumstances. During this time, they changed their diet and used local resources to keep themselves alive in dry and hot conditions.

It was believed that at that time this very destructive volcano had wiped out humans far and wide. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

In these circumstances, instead of relying only on land animals for food, humans adopted fish as their food. Due to the strengthening of the terrain, small pits were formed in the ground from where fishing became easier. Bringing this flexibility in dosage proved to be very effective for humans.

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The study challenges the notion that because of this humans were forced to settle out of Africa. Researchers say that instead of waiting for greenery, humans must have taken the blue route, i.e. via rivers, and reached new areas nearby. The excavated tools show that the humans of that time, along with adopting hunting, also made changes in the tools as per the circumstances. It is being claimed that this study will prove to provide very important information about Homo sapiens development and displacement.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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