Now we will get rid of strange biopsy, flavored lollipop will tell whether the patient has oral cancer or not

Now we will get rid of strange biopsy, flavored lollipop will tell whether the patient has oral cancer or not

Many times, cancer diagnosis itself becomes very painful for the patient who is already suffering a lot. One such test is biopsy done for oral cancer, in which a camera is inserted inside the patient’s mouth and pictures are taken to check whether the patient has cancer or not. If yes, then which stage is it etc. But scientists are working on a new technology in which only delicious lollipops will be able to provide all this information.

Such traditional biopsy methods are very effective, but they are painful, time-consuming and require special skills. On the other hand, according to Independent, the technology with Lollipop will offer a gentler method and a better option. Scientists at the University of Birmingham are working on this technology.

A substance like smart hydrogel will be used in this lollipop. When the patient sucks the lollipop, the patient’s saliva will coat it. The hydrogel will act like a kind of molecular mesh. In which saliva and proteins that work as cancer biomakers will get trapped.

The current screening technology for oral cancer is very painful. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Later, these trapped proteins will be cut and removed from the hydrogel in the lab and can be examined and analyzed. Dr. Ruchi Gupta, Associate Professor of Biosensors at Birmingham University, has full hope that this project will be successful, work on the next phase of which is going on.

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This project has received a grant of about Rs 3 crore 69 lakh from Cancer Research UK and Engineering and Physics Science Research Council. Currently, researchers are looking for the right flavor for lolly pop. Researchers say that this technology will be successful in getting rid of the problems faced by the current testing methods.

The best thing about this technology is that it is less painful and more convenient to detect oral cancer because this is the very purpose of its development. Not only this, this will also result in better accuracy in test results and will reduce the suffering of patients regarding cancer care.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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