How do you get rid of a hangover from bhang read full article in hindi

How do you get rid of a hangover from bhang read full article in hindi

Holi Hangover: If the hangover of cannabis is troubling you even the next day of Holi, then we have brought some special tricks for you. By adopting these tricks you can get rid of it immediately. After getting intoxicated by cannabis, it seems that everything is spinning. There is a lot of difficulty in controlling it.

How to control cannabis hangover


You have a headache and body ache due to a cannabis hangover and you don’t know what to do? So you can get rid of its intoxication through tamarind. For this, first take tamarind. Put it in water and boil it then add jaggery in it. Now drink this water. By drinking this water the intoxication of cannabis starts going away.

Lemon and Black Salt

Eating sour things while under the influence of cannabis helps in reducing the intoxication. Applying black salt on lemon and licking it also helps in controlling intoxication. Citrus fruit juice is also very beneficial.

Can feed ghee or butter

If a person has a severe hangover from cannabis then he can drink ghee. This will provide immediate relief. If there is no ghee in the house then you can feed butter.

If cannabis hangover is bothering you then take these precautions

don’t overeat

If you still have a hangover from cannabis, you should avoid eating too much. Because it can disturb digestion a lot. If you eat too much, you may have digestive problems.

Do not drink cannabis alcohol

Do not drink alcohol after consuming cannabis. This can prove to be extremely dangerous. The combination of these two may cause dizziness, vomiting and nausea.

do not take medicine

If you take any medicine and have consumed cannabis on the day of Holi, then stop the medicine until the intoxication subsides properly. Because this can cause headache to become dangerous.

stay home after consuming cannabis

You may also feel dizzy if you move around too much after consuming cannabis. Therefore, do not go out for long walks. Or don’t ride a bike.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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