You can earn lakhs by cultivating this special plant

You can earn lakhs by cultivating this special plant

Farmers in India are no longer doing only traditional farming. In fact, they are also trying their hand in other crops. Now only paddy, sorghum and mustard are not being cultivated. Rather, other types of plants are also being grown. There are many medicinal plants also among them. Now their trend has also increased a lot in India. One of these medicinal plants is Peepali. Farmers are earning huge income from its cultivation. Let us know how profit can be earned from its cultivation.

How to cultivate Peepli?

There are two types of Peepli plant. Chhoti Peepli and Badi Peepli.  To cultivate peepli  It is important to choose its right variety. Generally, farmers consider it right to cultivate plants of Nansari, Chimathi and Vishwam varieties. Red soil and sandy loam soil are suitable for the cultivation of peepli. Where it is being cultivated. At the same time, the drainage system should be proper for the water to flow out. Mostly Peepli is cultivated in the southern areas. Which includes states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh.  

The plant lives for 5-6 years

While cultivating Peepli, it is necessary to There should be arrangements for adequate amount of irrigation. Along with this, there should be a humid climate. It should be planted in the month of February or March. After plowing the field properly and adding manure and potash phosphorus, you can plant Peepli plant. Peepli plant can get damaged due to sunlight. For this you may need to seek shade there. Peepli plant lasts for 5 to 6 years after planting, from which you can earn profit. 

It is very useful in diseases 

After planting the Pipli plant, flowers start appearing within about 6 months. As soon as the flowers turn black. They should be plucked and after drying they become fit to sell. If we talk about one hectare, it gives a yield of 4 to 6 quintals. Due to which you can get good profit. Peepli plant is very useful in medical field. This plant is very effective in diseases like cold, cough, cold, asthma, jaundice.  

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