8 hour time restricted eating linked to a 91percent higher risk of cardiovascular death

8 hour time restricted eating linked to a 91percent higher risk of cardiovascular death

Weight gain is a sign of many diseases. Nowadays people are adopting new methods to lose weight. One of these measures is intermittent fasting. Most of the people these days are following intermittent fasting pattern. The ‘American Heart Association’ has published a report on March 19 in which it has been said that the risk of death increases by 91 percent in people who follow intermittent fasting.

These days, the trend of intermittent fasting has increased a lot among the people. Most of the people are following this pattern to lose weight. But according to an American study, the risk of death increases by 91 percent in people who do intermittent fasting.

Fasting for 16 hours can be dangerous

During intermittent fasting, people eat food at a fixed time limit. Then they remain hungry for a longer time. Intermittent fasting works according to the 16:8 ratio in which people fast for 16 hours and eat and drink a lot for 8 hours. During the 16-hour fast, drink plenty of black coffee, water or tea without sugar and milk.

What does the research say?

According to this study, intermittent fasting increases the risk of heart related diseases. More than 20 thousand American adults were included in this study. Whose age was 49 years. People who ate only 8 hours a day had a higher risk of heart disease. And those who eat for 12-14 hours are healthy and have less risk of diseases. People who ate less had a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. Their risk of death had increased by 66 percent.

Take these measures to reduce the risk of death

Use as much fiber and nutrients as possible in your food. Drink as much water as possible. Drink 7-8 glasses of water every day. By doing this the risk of stroke and heart attack is reduced.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

read this also: Brinjal Benefits: Brinjal contains high fiber, diabetes and high BP patients should eat it in this manner.

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