If we get the protein of this organism, man will never grow old, it has the power to stop aging, confirmed in research.

If we get the protein of this organism, man will never grow old, it has the power to stop aging, confirmed in research.

There would hardly be any person on earth who ever wants to grow old. Be it women or men, they make all kinds of efforts to keep themselves young forever. But age keeps increasing. And one day everyone has to grow old. But there is one creature on earth whose protein has the power to stop ageing. This has been confirmed in recent research.

We are talking about Tardigrades, which are considered to be the most courageous creatures in the world. It is so strong that no matter how hot or cold it is, it does not die. It is also considered to be an immortal and indestructible creature. Recently, when scientists did research on this, shocking things came to light. According to scientists, a special type of protein has been discovered in tardigrades, which stops the aging process in humans. There are initial indications that if youth use it, they will never grow old.

Protects human cells from destruction
According to a report published in the Protein Science Journal on March 19, when the proteins found in this small organism were observed in the laboratory, it was found that they protect human cells from destruction. The name of this protein is CAHSD, which turns into a gel-like structure when inserted into human cells. Lead researcher and Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Wyoming, Sylvia Sanchez-Martinez, said, this protein provides additional strength to human cells. They are not destroyed.

This eight legged creature is no less than a superhero
Tardigrades are also known as water bears. This eight-legged creature is no less than a superhero. It never dies even in extreme heat and freezing cold. Even in space, where it is impossible for humans to survive even for 2 seconds, it can survive there. It has an amazing ability to change itself. It can remain lifeless for years. It is said that even if a gunshot is fired at its body, it remains alive. It is said that if humans get its gene then they will become immortal forever.

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