Dolly Chaiwala Met Delhi’s Famous Vada Pav Girl: Although Vadapav is a very famous dish of Mumbai, these days the war of ‘Vadapav’ is going viral in Delhi. The reason is Vadapas being sold everywhere in Delhi and the sellers claiming it to be the best. However, meanwhile, the most famous in Delhi is ‘Viral Vadapav Girl’ Chandrika Gera Dixit, who has become a sensation on the internet these days for her unique style and beauty. Recently, Nagpur’s famous Dolly Chaiwala met Chandrika. Both of them met in Delhi today. In the video going viral, Dolly is seen praising Chandrika’s hard work.
Why did Vadapaav Girl go viral?
This woman named Chandrika Gera Dixit was setting up her stall in Pritampura, Delhi. While elsewhere in Delhi, Vada Pav is available for Rs 30, this Vada Pav Girl is selling Vada Pav for Rs 50. People are eating vadapav in long queues at this cart of Chandrika. Her mother-in-law and her husband are also seen with her on this cart. Chandrika is quite famous for her speaking style.
Talking about Dolly Chaiwala, this chaiwala of Nagpur became famous all over the world when Bill Gates drank tea at Dolly’s stall. Recently, this chaiwala was seen meeting many stars including Suhail Khan in Maldives. According to IMDB Stars portal, Dolly earns Rs 2500 to Rs 3500 in a day by selling tea. Dolly’s price of one cup of tea is Rs 7 and he sells around 400 cups of tea daily. According to media reports, Dolly’s total assets are Rs 10 lakh.
Dolly Chaiwala has made a video together with Vada Pav Girl, in which he is seen saying, ‘I am in Delhi today. I have heard a lot about Vada Pav Girl of Delhi. Whatever this sister is today, she has become because of her hard work. Didi’s work and mine have been achieved through our own hard work. Chandrika says, ‘He is my role model. Because they have also suffered a lot, like me. They have tolerated a lot which I am doing now. I am very fortunate that I could meet him.
Chandrika’s vada stall nearby has become a hot spot for influencers. From Puneet Superstar to Tehelka, many big social media stars have reached this cart.
Tags: food, Lifestyle, Most viral video, Viral on Internet
FIRST PUBLISHED: April 1, 2024, 16:47 IST