what are the risks and benefits of drinking cold water

what are the risks and benefits of drinking cold water

Fridge Water Side Effects: As soon as summer comes, people start keeping water bottles in the fridge so that when it gets cold, they can take them out and start drinking directly. But do you know that drinking water straight from the fridge can prove to be dangerous for health.

Drinking water from the fridge can be dangerous

The month of April has just started but the scorching heat has made the condition of the people miserable. As soon as summer comes, people take out cold water from the fridge and start drinking it. Drinking cold water directly from the refrigerator has bad effects on health. If you also have such a habit then change it today itself. Because it can prove dangerous for you. Drinking cold water from the refrigerator not only increases obesity but also increases the risk of many diseases.

Can be dangerous for heart

Drinking cold water causes great harm to the heart. Due to this, the blood vessels start shrinking and the blood flow also starts slowing down. By drinking cold water the blood vessels become very hard due to which problems start occurring.

increases obesity

By drinking cold water, body fat slowly melts. There is a lot of difficulty in reducing obesity and burning fat. If you want to lose weight then do not drink cold water at all. Drink normal or lukewarm water.

Drinking cold water spoils digestion.

Drinking cold water spoils digestion completely. In such a situation, try not to drink cold water from the fridge. This may impair digestion. There may be a complaint of constipation.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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