It is still easy to identify fake medicines and degrees, know how to check fake books?

It is still easy to identify fake medicines and degrees, know how to check fake books?

In today’s time, the biggest problem of people has become to identify real and fake. From medicines to books, fakes are coming. You will be surprised to know that even education degrees can be fake. In such a situation, this question must be arising in everyone’s mind that if one has to identify real and fake books, then how can it be done? So let’s find out.

How can real and fake be identified?
If you want to identify real and fake medicine, then definitely check the unique code made on it. A unique code is printed on the wrapper of almost every medicine. Which contains information from manufacturing date to location and supply chain of the medicine. 

If you want to identify a real and fake degree, then you can identify the real and fake degree by looking at its design and its printing, but the identification of books is a little different from these. 

How to identify real and fake books
If you want to identify a book, first of all you have to check its ISBN. All the information on the book matches, including title, edition, etc., but the format is very different from the original and the book is not marked as International or Instructor’s Edition, so it may be a counterfeit.

You can use ISBNDB to quickly check the ISBN of your book. Sometimes a version of a book is clearly a fake and is easy to spot. In which something is not matching in that book and it looks different from the real book.            

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