If you break a bird’s nest, you will be punished for seven years. Do you know about these laws made for animals?

If you break a bird’s nest, you will be punished for seven years. Do you know about these laws made for animals?

The way the Constitution of India has given rights to humans, in the same way animals have also been given some rights. If someone tries to take away these rights or tamper with them, then he is punished under the Indian Penal Code. Today we will tell you about some such legal rights available to animals. Along with this, we will also tell that if someone breaks these laws, then what will be the punishment according to the Indian Penal Code.

Right to food

If you If you do not give enough food to an animal and refuse to give it water and refuse to give shelter to that animal then you can be punished. Even keeping an animal tied up for a long time is also a punishable offence. For this you can be fined or imprisoned for three months or both.

Right to escape from murder

According to section 428 and 429 of IPC If a person kills an animal or if the animal is crippled by its beating, then this law will be considered a crime. Punishment has been prescribed for this in the Indian Penal Code.

Animal cannot be abandoned

Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (PCA) of 1960 According to this, if you let an animal stray, you can be punished for three months.

Can’t break the nest

If you have a house If it breaks, you immediately reach the court. Similarly, there is a law for birds, if someone destroys their eggs, breaks their nest and molests them or cuts such a tree where birds have nests, then this law will be considered a crime. Its culprit can be punished with imprisonment of seven years or a fine of Rs 25,000 or both.

Rule for moving animals from one place to another

If you do not transport animals from one place to another properly or by keeping them in discomfort, causing pain or distress, then it is punishable under Motor Vehicle Act and PCA Act. It is a punishable offence.

Law cannot imprison wild animals

There is law for every pet, stray and wild animal in this country. If you catch, trap, poison or lure any wild animal then it is a punishable offence. The person found doing so may be punished with imprisonment of up to seven years or a fine of Rs 25,000 or both.

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