‘Have to watch web series sitting at home, need leave’, wrote interesting leave application!

‘Have to watch web series sitting at home, need leave’, wrote interesting leave application!

Viral Leave Application: Nowadays more than one thing goes viral on social media. Sometimes the wedding card is printed in a strange way, seeing which people enjoy a lot on the internet. At the same time, it also happens that an application has been written in Bundelkhandi to take leave from school. Today we will show you a completely different application, in which employee has asked for leave to watch web series.

Generally, you would have seen people seeking leave for illness, any trouble or for traveling many times, but at this time a leave application is going viral on Twitter, in which leave has been sought for a specific thing. Hardly you would have ever asked someone for leave to watch a film or web series, but something similar has been said in this application.

‘Have to sit at home and watch web series, need a holiday’
In the post going viral on Twitter, it can be seen that a person is asking for leave in an application. The person has sought leave to watch the new season of the web series named “Pitchers”. The person has written- ‘This is a formal application for taking leave on 23rd December, so that Pitchers- Season 2 can be watched sitting at home. Watching my favorite web series on weekdays disturbs my sleep cycle and I can’t wait for the weekend. I will start the work of research and monitoring on 24 December.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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