You will not have to do anything big to get good sleep, the expert told the panacea, you will have to do this little work!

You will not have to do anything big to get good sleep, the expert told the panacea, you will have to do this little work!

People adopt many types of measures to get good sleep. Lavender sprays, calming music, and masks are among the countless remedies that many people use in hopes of getting a better night’s sleep. But a new study claims that a simple habit can make a big difference. The interesting thing is that this solution is not difficult or mysterious but is very easy.

Research conducted by the University of Texas St. Austin revealed that it all depends on exercise, which can help us get into deep ‘non-REM’ sleep before our brain reaches the rapid eye movement (REM) stage . NREM usually occurs in the first part of the night and is when the body actually rests and repairs. On the other hand, REM occurs when our brain becomes a little more active. Dreams are most likely to occur in this phase.

Researchers of the study published in Nature Studies say that regular physical activity is associated with greater emotional well-being, and even just one bout of physical activity can improve mood. On the other hand, poor sleep is associated with mood disorders and emotional dysregulation.

American scientists are not alone in drawing such conclusions, their views are also supported by Rosie Davidson, lead sleep consultant at Just Chill Baby Sleep. According to The Mirror, he says that exercise plays an important role in promoting better sleep by having a positive effect on both physical and mental health.

Experts believe that exercise is very useful for health as well as sleep. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

Engaging in regular physical activity helps regulate the body’s internal clock. It controls the sleep-wake cycle. Exercise can reduce the release of cortisol (our stress hormone) and endorphins, which give the mood a natural feel-good effect. Both of these things will contribute to a better night’s sleep.

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While there can be no definitive claim about the ideal amount or duration of exercise for good sleep, Davidson says a reasonable amount of activity would be better. She says that getting out into nature has a good effect on sleep.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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