why does mouth feel dry and thirsty is a serious symptom

why does mouth feel dry and thirsty is a serious symptom

Dry Mouth Causes: When the temperature increases the mouth starts becoming dry. Along with dry skin, there is also the problem of feeling thirsty. But excessive thirst can be a serious sign of many diseases. Today we will talk about the symptoms of those diseases.

Salivary glands in the mouth reduce saliva production

The problem of frequent thirst and dry mouth during summer can also be due to the weather. But if there is excessive thirst and dry mouth then it can also be the cause of many serious diseases. One of the main reasons for dry mouth can be the lack of saliva in the mouth. Due to which the mouth is becoming dry. Dry mouth disease is also called xerostomia. This happens when the salivary glands in the mouth reduce the production of saliva.

According to health experts, saliva helps in digestion of food in our body. It is very difficult to digest food without it. Saliva is also important for our mouth because saliva helps in wetting the food in the mouth and breaking it down. This is oral hygiene.

These diseases can also have early signs

One feels very thirsty when the mouth is dry. According to doctors, diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s and stroke also cause excessive dry mouth. Frequent dry mouth can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder.

Many times, apart from these diseases like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, HIV, nerve damage, and also due to change in weather, the mouth starts becoming dry. But if your problem has worsened then consult a doctor without wasting time. Maintain hygiene and drink plenty of water during the day.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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