Women used to steal indiscriminately, as soon as they were caught they would make such excuses, even the police and courts were forced to do so!

Women used to steal indiscriminately, as soon as they were caught they would make such excuses, even the police and courts were forced to do so!

You must have heard about many incidents of theft. Somewhere the thieves are so clever that they slip away before the eyes of the police and at some places they are so stupid that they start sleeping or eating in the stolen house. However, some thieves have so much brain that even after knowing the truth, the police or the law cannot do any harm to them. One such incident has come to light from China.

Theft cannot be considered right under any circumstances. Two Chinese women not only committed theft but after being caught, they made such excuses that the police could never send them to jail. His story is becoming very viral on social media. Both the women were not only vicious but they also used their children for theft.

When the business failed, they started stealing.
According to the report of South China Morning Post, 30 and 39 year old women named Shao Qing and Xue Xue have committed this incident. They ran a clothing business together. He suffered losses during Covid and had to close his shop. His source of income stopped. One of these women was married and divorced twice and had a total of 7 children. The other woman has 4 children. It was not easy to raise a total of 11 children, so instead of hard work, she chose the path of crime and started stealing things from shops.

Did not go to jail under the cover of children!
Many times these women were caught in theft cases but they never went to jail. Actually, Chinese law says that pregnant or breastfeeding women are not sent to jail. Since these women had small children, they avoided going to jail under the guise of children. He had stolen goods worth Rs 31-32 thousand in the last two years. At present he has been sentenced outside jail.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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