BMCM Box Office Day 4: Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s ‘Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan’, released in theaters on the occasion of Eid, made with a budget of Rs 350 crore, is not performing as expected. The film earned a good amount of Rs 15.65 crore on the opening day. But on the second day there was a huge decline in the film’s earnings. There was a slight increase in the business on the third day i.e. Saturday, but still the film’s earnings have not reached double digits. In such a situation, let us know how the collection of the film was on the fourth day…
The earnings of ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ are increasing
This mass entertainer film of Akshay-Tiger could not show anything special even on the weekend. On the first day the film earned Rs 15.65 crore, while on the second day the film could earn only Rs 7.50 crore. The film got some benefit from the Saturday holiday and due to which the movie did a business of Rs 8.5 crores. In such a situation, it is being speculated that there may be a jump in the film’s earnings on Sunday. Meanwhile, the initial figures for Sunday have now come out…
- According to SACNL’s early trend report, ‘Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan’ has collected around Rs 7.97 crore till 8:45 pm on the fourth day of its release.
- With this, the total collection of 4 days of ‘Bade Miyan Chhote Miyan’ has now become Rs 39.72 crore.
If the film earns at this pace, the film will soon be packed up at the box office. This film of Akshay, made for Rs 350 crores, is far beyond its budget. At present, after looking at these figures, it seems difficult to calculate the cost of the film.
Talking about the worldwide collection of the film, the film is getting decent response from the foreign audience. The movie has done a business of Rs 60.00 crore in three days. It is known that Akshay’s film has clashed with Ajay Devgan’s ‘Maidan’. There is a huge buzz among the audience regarding both these films. But unfortunately, both the superstars failed to impress the fans. However, ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ is ahead in terms of earnings.