Do not ask these questions to your boyfriend even by mistake otherwise your relationship can be ruined

Do not ask these questions to your boyfriend even by mistake otherwise your relationship can be ruined

Love relationship is very precious, some people get married and some people do not. In any loving relationship, it is important to care and respect each other’s feelings. We should never say such things which can hurt their heart. It is true that two lovers come close to each other, and then do not try to hide anything, but every relationship has a limit and every person has some personal space, which should be respected. It is important to take care of it.

Screenshot of call details

Being in a long relationship, your partner might talk to you more, but sometimes he also talks to other people as per his need. If you call them and then the phone becomes busy, do not get unnecessarily suspicious. Many people ask for call details or screenshots which is a very wrong aspect.

friends list

Many people believe that the longer the partner’s friend list, the less time the person will be able to spend with them after marriage. Under this stress, you should not ask your partner for the list of his friends, because asking too much can cause a rift in the relationship.

forced to share password

Couples in a relationship sometimes share each other’s bank account, Instagram, Facebook or mobile password, but if a person does not want to share, do not force them, because some people do not feel comfortable.

remind the past

Your partner may have had many relationships in the past that he or she wants to forget and move on, but if you repeatedly ask them about their past relationships, it will only make the person sad because it will open up old wounds. It is not considered good.

read this also : Relationship tips: These things show that you yourself are ruining the relationship, know what are those habits

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