washing rice is essential for it to be cooked read full article in hindi

washing rice is essential for it to be cooked read full article in hindi

Rice has a special importance in Indian food. People eat rice in almost every state of the country. At some places it is more and at some places it is less but there is no such area of ​​India where many people do not eat rice. Nowadays rice has also become of two types, brown rice and white rice. But today we will talk in detail about why it is important to wash rice before cooking it?

One reason for this is that rice is very easy to prepare. Just boil raw rice in water and after cooking, drain the water. Before preparing rice, people wash it thoroughly. But there are some who leave it in the process of making rice through rice making. Let us know what are the benefits of washing rice.

Important from food safety point of view

According to a 2021 research published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials, it is important to wash rice before cooking because it contains a lot of microplastics when it is packaged. When it is washed it reduces by 20-40%.

Toxins are removed from rice after washing

After washing rice, the arsenic concentration found in it reduces. Arsenic is found naturally in soil and water. This is very dangerous from health point of view. In such a situation, this is a good way to remove the toxins found in rice.

correct way to wash rice

The best way to remove arsenic from brown or white rice is to boil it lightly. Add rice to boiling water 5 minutes before draining. After this cook the rice well. Cooking one part rice mixed with 6-10 parts water has its benefits.

Benefits of washing rice

Washing and preparing rice is good for health. Besides this, the insects stuck in it also die. However, it is also believed that washing rice and preparing it reduces the nutrients present in it. This has also been revealed in many researches that if you eat rice as a grain, then eat it without washing it.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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