How To Prevent Hair Fall During Winter Season With Home Remedies And Diet Best Winter Juice To Stop Hair Fall

How To Prevent Hair Fall During Winter Season With Home Remedies And Diet Best Winter Juice To Stop Hair Fall

Best Juice For Hair Care: In the winter season, probably every person is troubled by the problem of hair fall. Even if the hair is not falling, then the problem of dryness, frizziness, dandruff and hair thinning bothers everyone. All these problems in the hair are caused by cold air, as well as by sleeping with a quilt or blanket. Because quilts and blankets also work to absorb the moisture of the hair. Now we cannot stop any of these reasons so it is better that we focus on the solution…

Today we have brought a special winter juice recipe for you. By consuming this juice regularly, you can remove all the problems related to your hair during the winter season. Also, by drinking this, the energy level in your body will also remain better than ever. The special thing is that if you drink this juice every day in the cold season, then the bad effect of cold will not be visible on your health. The name of this juice is ABC juice i.e. Amla-Beetroot-Carrot.

anti hair fall juice

To prevent hair fall, you have to use seasonal vegetables eaten in the form of salad. like…

  • 2 carrots
  • 2 Amla
  • 1 beet
  • 10 to 15 raisins
  • 15 to 20 mint leaves
  • a little ginger
  • half a lemon
    salt to taste

How to prepare?

  • You especially have to use amla, beetroot and carrot. Everything else is optional. Use them if you want and don’t if you want.
  • Wash, peel and chop all the vegetables finely. After this put it in the mixer and grind it. Raisin has been used especially to increase the test. Although it also has its own benefits, you can increase or decrease its quantity according to yourself.
  • After the juice is ready, pour it in a glass and enjoy by adding salt and lemon.

When and how to drink?

  • You can consume this juice in the time between breakfast and lunch or in the break time between lunch and dinner. But try to consume it during the day time only.
  • You can drink it every day. You will get quick and better results only after drinking it daily. If you want the health of your hair to improve quickly, then along with consuming it daily, take complete sleep and exercise every day.

you guys boil and make juice

  • If you are having digestive problems or digestion is slow, you have any kind of problem, then first boil beetroot, amla and carrot in a cooker with a whistle.
  • Then grind it along with the water used for boiling and prepare its juice. By doing this, the digestion of the juice will be quick and you will not feel any problem like heaviness in the stomach.
  • You can also consume the juice prepared by boiling it every day. Children can also be given this juice regularly. Due to this, their digestion also improves and there is no problem related to hair and skin.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If there is a problem of excessive gas formation in the stomach, then eat these fruits and vegetables in food, stay away from pulses and chapati.

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