Boss fired him from job when he fell ill, angry woman took such revenge, ruined entire business

Boss fired him from job when he fell ill, angry woman took such revenge, ruined entire business

Arguing with the boss during job is nothing new. It often gets heated during holidays. But a boss messed with the wrong employee. Later he had to repent a lot. On the social media site Reddit, a woman claimed that her boss fired her from her job after she fell ill. While she could work. After this he did not give up and took such revenge from the boss that his entire business was ruined.

The woman wrote, I started working as a gymnastics coach. Only two months had passed when I started feeling dizzy. At that time I used to lose my balance. My brain kind of stopped working. One day I felt dizzy in the office. I felt like I wouldn’t be able to stand. Because of this she went to the bathroom. But vomiting started happening there. Other employees admitted me to the hospital. But while the doctors were treating me, my boss fired me from the job. When I told my colleagues about this, they were surprised. Said, you should take legal action against them. Thousands of people posted and expressed support. Some said, he is a selfish boss. Should not have worked with him.

This is how the woman took revenge
Some people said that it is your right to take leave when you are sick. No one can fire you because of this. After this the woman decided to take revenge from the boss. The woman wrote repeatedly about that company on social media. Started sharing the things inside. Told what kind of work was done there. As a result, people stopped going there. Due to this the company rapidly came to the verge of closure. Many people called it a victory for women.

Know what the rules are
According to Citizens Advice, if you have been given leave due to illness then it is your right. But it is also the duty to join the office as soon as the leave is over. If you do not do this, the company may dismiss you. If you have been working for the company for more than 2 years, then the company will have to follow the complete procedure before firing you. Your rights cannot be violated.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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