Young people can sell their potty to the elderly, they will earn so much that they will pay the entire college fees! But how?

Young people can sell their potty to the elderly, they will earn so much that they will pay the entire college fees!  But how?

Be it human or animal, the excreta of any living being is considered extremely disgusting and measures are taken to dispose of it. But have you ever heard that one can earn money by selling feces? These days, a strange trend is being seen, about which a doctor has given information and said that the youth can take advantage of it. Nowadays youth can earn money by selling their poop (Gen Z sell poop to boomers) to the elderly. Through this they can earn so much money that they will be able to pay their college fees. But how will this happen and what is the need for it?

According to the report of Daily Star News website, Dr. Monty Leman is a research fellow at Oxford University. They say that Gen-Z (people born between 1995 and 2010) can sell their potty to Boomers (people born between 1945 and 1965). This way they can earn money. Now the question arises that why would this happen? (Poop selling business) According to the report, fecal microbiota transplants (FMT) is a type of medical treatment in which a small sample of stool is removed from the large intestine of a healthy person, i.e. a young person, and placed in the large intestine of an unhealthy person, i.e. an elderly person. is put.

Elderly people can be treated through this treatment. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

Will help in protecting from diseases
In this way, a disease called Clostridioides difficile infection (C-diff) can be treated, which can be more common in elderly people. Due to this disease, elderly people may suffer from sepsis, colitis and may even die. The stool of a healthy person contains such good bacteria, which can eliminate the bad bacteria present in the intestine of an unhealthy person and make him healthy. FMT is being used as an experimental drug since 2013. Through this, problems like constipation are also being treated.

The experiment done on rats was successful
The doctor said that similar experiments conducted on rats have shown that when the good bacteria of a young rat were put into the intestine of an elderly rat, the problems related to brain and immune system caused due to age could be controlled. Could. He said that if the testing done on rats is effective on humans also, then the youth can sell their feces to the elderly to earn money. In this way he will be able to pay his college fees. He told this while talking to a newspaper. When Daily Star asked a 21-year-old engineering student named Callum Harris about this, he said that if he got the money, he would happily sell his potty.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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