Houthi Allegation On Dubai said crown Prince Prince trying to appease Israel

Houthi Allegation On Dubai said crown Prince Prince trying to appease Israel

Houthi Allegation On Dubai UAE: Amidst the ongoing tension between Israel and Iran, the Houthi leader has made serious allegations against Saudi Arabia. Yemen’s Houthi leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi has said that Saudi Arabia is trying to appease the Jews and please Israel, for this some parts of the Quran have also been removed from the syllabus.

Abdul Malik said that Saudi wants its relations with Israel to become normal and it wants to do business with it. Therefore, some verses from the Quran have been removed from the syllabus. According to Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency, Abdul Malik al-Houthi said in his statement on Saturday (April 20), the House of Saud has removed Quranic verses from textbooks to avoid angering the Jews. In particular, those parts of the Quran which talk about crimes committed by Jews have been removed.

Houthi leader also accused UAE

Al-Houthi said that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is also following Saudi. Both countries want to create a generation that will have a sense of friendship for Israel. For this, things in favor of Jews are being included in the textbooks. According to the report, Yemeni officials said that the Saudi regime has completely or partially removed prophetic traditions from educational programs. The coming generations will not be able to know this, it will be a great injustice to the future generations.

The Houthi rebels ruling large parts of Yemen are extremely aggressive. The Houthis have continuously created problems for the Israeli government and America by targeting ships belonging to Israel in the Red Sea. Houthi fighters have openly supported Hamas in Gaza. Houthi has been continuously raising questions about Saudi’s soft attitude towards Israel.

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