Does running AC in a car really reduce the mileage

Does running AC in a car really reduce the mileage

AC In Car: Summer season has arrived. In such a situation, people take help of AC while traveling in car. It is difficult to even enter a car without AC. That’s why people turn on the AC even before sitting in the car. But this question often comes in people’s mind whether running AC in the car makes a difference to the mileage of the car. Does this really happen? Running AC reduces the mileage of the car. Let us know how much truth is there in this.

Running AC reduces mileage.

Often people say that if you run AC in the car. Then the mileage of your car reduces. Actually this happens because of this. Because the car’s AC is directly connected to the car’s engine. When AC is running, there is more pressure on the engine. Due to which more fuel is consumed.

But running AC does not have much impact on the mileage of the car. Running AC reduces the mileage of the car by only 4-5 percent. Most of the impact depends on where you are driving the car. If you are driving in a crowded place in the city. So there will be more difference and if you are driving on the highway then it will not make that much difference.

Mileage reduces so much

If your car is giving a mileage of 15kmpl. So its mileage can reach up to 13kmpl when AC is running. But you will run the AC for a very long time in a parked car. So this consumes more of your petrol. You travel for 1 hour in a parked car with a thousand cc engine. So approximately 1 liter petrol is spent. Whereas if you start the car and drive like this, it consumes around 1.5 litres. Mainly the difference in the mileage of the vehicle depends on the way the vehicle is driven and the engine of the vehicle.

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