Salman Khan Firing Case: Mumbai Crime Branch is continuously tracking down the accused in the firing case outside Salman Khan’s house. On Tuesday, May 7, the Crime Branch arrested the fifth suspect Mohammad Chaudhary in Rajasthan. Now the accused has made a shocking revelation during police interrogation.
Reiki was done on the houses of two more actors
In fact, in the firing case at Salman Khar’s house, the Mumbai Crime Branch officer told that the accused Mohammad Rafiq Chaudhary, arrested from Rajasthan, had also conducted recce of the houses of two other Bollywood actors apart from the house of actor Salman Khan. While motivating both the shooters, Anmol Vishnoi, brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, had also said that they were going to do noble work and they would get very good results from it, along with name, they would also get good money.
Anmol Vishnoi had told the names of the targets to the shooters.
According to Mumbai Crime Branch, after weapons were delivered to the shooters in Panvel on March 15, 2024, Anmol Vishnoi, brother of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, had informed them about the name of the target. After the weapons were delivered by Anuj Thapan and Sonu Vishnoi, Anmol Vishnoi told the shooters that they had to fire at Salman Khan’s house, till then the shooters only knew that they had to fire, but at whom. This information was not there.
Both shooters came to Mumbai in October 2023
Earlier, both the shooters were sent by the Vishnoi gang to Mumbai in October 2023, during which they were instructed to find a flat in Panvel and rent it and roam around the areas of Bandra and Panvel. During this, the Vishnoi gang gave them 40 thousand rupees. Even after searching for several days, the shooters could not find the house on rent and the money given to them was also spent.
This kind of sequence continued for three consecutive times and the shooter was not successful in renting a house in Panvel, after which in March 2024, with the help of a local rickshaw puller of Panvel, he got a flat on rent in Harigram area. Till they got the flat in Panvel, the shooters did not know whom to target and whom to make their target. On March 15, when Anuj Thapan and Sonu Vishnoi delivered guns to Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, after that both the shooters Anmol Vishnoi told that he has to target Salman Khan.
Reiki of Salman’s Panvel farm house was done
After getting information about the target, both the shooters first did a recce of Salman’s Panvel farm house, but when Salman Khan did not come there, Anmol Vishnoi asked them to go to Bandra and carry out the crime by recceing the Galaxy Apartment.