Coriander and mint will remain fresh even in summer season, do this before keeping it in the fridge – News18 Hindi

Coriander and mint will remain fresh even in summer season, do this before keeping it in the fridge – News18 Hindi

New Delhi (Kitchen Tips and Tricks), It is not easy to keep vegetables fresh during the summer season. Most people store vegetables in the refrigerator as soon as they bring them from the market. They feel that this will save the vegetables from spoiling quickly. At the same time, coriander, mint and curry leaves start turning yellow despite being kept in the refrigerator. The freshness of these leaves disappears prematurely and the magic of their taste and fragrance also starts disappearing.

If you are buying fresh coriander with vegetables every week but are not able to use it, then there is no need to worry (Kitchen Tips and Tricks). By keeping some things in mind, you can store coriander and mint in the refrigerator for a long time. By trying these hacks, the freshness of these leaves will not reduce and you will be able to use them in any vegetable or chutney for a week or 10 days.

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How to store coriander: How to store coriander leaves for a week?
Be it pulses or vegetables, coriander doubles the taste of any dish. Know how to keep coriander fresh for a long time-

  • Clean the coriander thoroughly.
  • Remove yellow and black leaves from it. By keeping them, even clean leaves get spoiled quickly.
  • Then trim its stalk. With this the leaves can be kept fresh for a long time.
  • Take water in a glass or jar. Dip the coriander stalks in it.
  • Put a plastic bag over it and tie a rubber band. This keeps the leaves fresh for a long time.
  • If you are keeping coriander leaves in the fridge, wrap them in a paper towel and seal them. Then put it in a plastic bag and keep it fresh for a week.

How to store mint leaves: How to keep mint leaves fresh for a long time?
Mint is used a lot during the summer season. Some drink mint tea and some use it in lemonade. Know how to store mint for a long time-

  • Separate the mint leaves.
  • Place the leaves on a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
  • Then pat dry and wrap it in a paper towel and keep it in an airtight container.
  • By doing this the mint leaves do not turn black quickly and also remain fresh for a long time.

How to store curry leaves: How to store curry leaves?
Along with South Indian dishes, curry leaves are also being used in kadhi and dal. Its fragrance is very strong. Know the best way to preserve the freshness of curry leaves.

  • To store curry leaves for a long time, first remove them from the stalk.
  • Place it on a paper towel and dry it thoroughly. Keep in mind that there should not be any moisture in it.
  • Then keep it sealed in an air tight container or glass box.
  • If you want, you can also keep the curry leaves wrapped in newspaper.

How to store green vegetables: How to store green vegetables in summer?
In the summer season, many green vegetables like parwal, kundru, ridge gourd are available. If they are not stored properly, they start spoiling prematurely. If you want to store green vegetables in the refrigerator after bringing them from the market, then you do not need to wash them. Clean the vegetables with a dry cloth and keep them in the refrigerator. Whenever you have to cook it, wash it and use it only. Green vegetables can also spoil quickly due to excess moisture.

Tags: cooking, food diet, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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