Apple iTunes Google Chrome Government Owned CERT In Issued Warning Know Details

Apple iTunes Google Chrome Government Owned CERT In Issued Warning Know Details

CERT-In Alert for Apple iTunes and Google Chrome: A strict warning has been issued by the government for Apple iTunes and Google Chrome users. Regarding its flaws, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) said that hackers can target users through the entry of malware in the device. Along with this, he also said that both Chrome desktop users and Apple iTunes users need to be cautious.

Which users are at risk?

In the advisory issued by CERT-In, it has been said that this software includes Apple iTunes versions before 12.13.2 for Windows. In these, hackers can try to hack the targeted system, in which users can be targeted by sending requests. Along with this, it has been told that those who are using version 124.0.6367.201/.202 for Windows, they need to be cautious. Besides, an alert has also been issued to those users who are using 124.0.6367.201 for Linux.

How can hackers target?

  • Apple iTunes: In Apple iTunes, hackers can target you by sending a special kind of request. If you accept these requests, they may install malware on your device.
  • Google Chrome: Hackers can trick you into visiting a specially crafted HTML page in Google Chrome. If you open this page, hackers can install malware on your device.

How can users protect themselves?

  • First of all, users should download the latest security updates released by the companies.
  • If you are using Chrome with an older version, then install the latest update immediately.
  • Always keep one thing in mind that you should not click on any suspicious link by mistake nor accept the request.
  • Always install a credible anti-virus and anti-malware software to protect your device from viruses and malware.

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