Take a bath after rubbing, it still doesn’t get clean…this is the dirtiest part of the body.

Take a bath after rubbing, it still doesn’t get clean…this is the dirtiest part of the body.

While bathing, we try to clean every part of the body properly. But many times, even after rubbing and bathing, some part of the body remains clean. Today we are going to tell you about one such part of the body which remains dirty even after the entire body is cleaned. The biggest thing is that people do not know how to clean this place properly.

Which part is this?

If the whole If the body is clean but any part remains dirty then infection can occur there. Therefore, it is important that every corner of the body is properly cleaned. The organ we are talking about is present on the upper part of the body and it is the most special part of our body. Actually, we are talking about the navel. While bathing, we clean every part of the body thoroughly, but many times we forget to clean the navel. Thousands of bacteria live in it. >It is said about the navel that there are thousands of bacteria here. According to a research report published in PLOS One, there are about 2368 types of bacteria in the navel alone. The most important thing is that when this research was done, 1458 species of these bacteria were completely new to the scientists. If this part is not cleaned properly from time to time, it smells very bad.

How to clean

DLK in Toronto According to skin experts of Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Clinic, a place like navel is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. This is the reason that if it is not cleaned properly then a whole family of bacteria will take birth here. If you want to clean your navel, then for this you should use a washcloth, which is dipped in hot water and soap water.

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