The store owner was fed up with shoplifting, he was incurring a loss of thousands every day, then he adopted technology, and the thieves came to power.

The store owner was fed up with shoplifting, he was incurring a loss of thousands every day, then he adopted technology, and the thieves came to power.

Will robocops replace policemen in the future? If you think not, then you must read this news, because RoboCop has started being used in the world. Even though they are not currently being used like policemen deployed in the police, but in some form or the other, their use in security is increasing. An example of this has been given by a shopkeeper who says that after the use of RoboCop, the incidents of theft in his store have reduced by 90 percent.

Alex Kapadia of Northampton, UK, says that there were a lot of thefts in his store, but he hired RoboCop to identify all four, after which he can identify them even before they commit theft. He told that his Morrisons Deli store was losing 100 pounds daily i.e. about 10 thousand rupees.

But now the situation has changed. Kapadia says that ever since he installed the AIcop face watch, its mug spotting technology alerts him every time a shoplifter walks in. He told that since his store looks like a corporate store, criminals would think that it would be easy to steal there and no one would be able to do anything. Alex told that suddenly such incidents of crime started happening every day in his store.

The shopkeeper used Facewatch using AI. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

FaceWatch matches faces against a database of known criminals stored by retailers. Alex believes that this system should be implemented across the country to end the epidemic of shoplifting. He also believes that this can also help in dealing with the increasing attacks on store employees.

Also read: AI showed what dreams look like, the world in turmoil was seen in the video clip, people said, it is scary!

Shoplifting crimes recorded by police in England and Wales have increased to the highest level in 20 years. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), more than 4 lakh 30 thousand crimes were recorded last year. This is more than a third compared to the last 12 months till December 2022.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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