Fish Oil Supplements : People are eating something which is considered beneficial for their heart health, but it is putting them at risk of heart attack. We are talking about fish oil supplements rich in omega 3 fatty acids. It is believed that these supplements are beneficial in preventing heart disease but a recent study has revealed something shocking.
Researchers claim that fish oil supplements are harmful for heart health. This increases the risk of dangerous cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke. It can also be fatal.
Risk of heart attack and stroke
A new study published in BMJ Journals has revealed that people who consume fish oil supplements daily have a 5 percent higher risk of stroke than others, while the risk of atrial fibrillation can increase by 13 percent. Atrial fibrillation causes increased heart rate and chest discomfort. In a stroke, oxygenated blood going to the brain does not reach properly, which causes damage to brain cells.
what is study
In a new study, British researchers analysed the responses of 4.15 lakh people and explained its dangers. They believe that these supplements can be good and beneficial for heart disease patients, but healthy people need to avoid them. It has been told that cardiologists do not recommend eating fish oil supplements available over the counter. People eat them on their own. Doing so can also be fatal.
How harmful are fish oil supplements?
It is estimated that about 20% of people over the age of 60 in America use fish oil supplements. They believe that it is good for heart health. However, it can be harmful to their heart health. In healthy people, it increases the risk of stroke and many cardiovascular diseases. According to health experts, fish oil or supplements made from it should not be taken without consulting a doctor.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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