Will AI take away everyone’s jobs? When Elon Musk was asked this question, he said, ‘I am afraid somewhere…’

Will AI take away everyone’s jobs? When Elon Musk was asked this question, he said, ‘I am afraid somewhere…’

Will Artificial Intelligence really start taking away human jobs soon? This question is not new, but recently the number of people asking it is increasing. The unprecedented success of ChatGTP and the recent arrival of Google’s new chatbot Gemini have increased people’s concerns. In such a situation, everyone wants to know what SpaceX owner Elon Musk, who is preparing to go to Mars, has to say on this. Recently this question came before Musk. Calling technology his ‘biggest fear’, he has said that due to AI in the future ‘perhaps none of us will have a job’.

The tech giant was speaking at VivaTech 2024 in Paris. He warned that he cannot say for sure whether ‘life will have any meaning’ if AI takes over. “If you want to do a job that is like a hobby, you can do a job. Otherwise, AI and robots will provide you any goods and services you want,” Musk said via video call at the conference.

The SpaceX CEO mentioned plans to colonise Mars and said his ‘biggest hope is Mars, my biggest fear is AI.’ Musk, 52, also questioned whether humans would be satisfied with life without jobs and careers.

Elon Musk has expressed concern that after a certain time, humans will face a shortage of work. (Symbolic picture: Wikimedia Commons)

He said that if computers and robots can do everything better than you, then is there any meaning to your life? He also recently claimed that ‘by the end of 2025, AI will be smarter than any human being.

Also read: AI models can be easily hacked, testing results shocked, yet the government did not reveal their names

AI expert and ethicist Neil Watson said AI’s rapid growth so far suggests it may surpass our level of intelligence. A year is a short time frame, but remember it’s only been 15 months since the success of ChatGPT pushed AI into the public consciousness.”

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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